Book: Crazy Rich Asians #Crazyrichasians #KevianKwan #CrazyLiterally

Last year I finished reading this novel – Crazy Rich Asians by Kevian Kwan. It was one of those random trip to my fave bookstore when I stumbled upon this book.

What caught my attention is the ‘crazy’ in the title. Curious, I started flipping the pages and when I turned to the page where its explains the simplified family tree of The YOUNG, T’SIEN & SHANG CLAN.. I was like…

The private plane, private jets, owning a private IsLand, a huge mysterious castle at botanical garden, I totally flipped out and gone…yeah crazy.

I only visited Singapore once, I wonder where the places are and if they really do exist.

Main characters are Nicky Young and Rachelle Chu.

Nicky Young who is a “simple crazy rich asian” who was in love with Rachelle Chu, mistaken to be a rich Taiwanese girl.

But my favorite character is Astrids’ …

This book will let you use your imaginations and travel with distant crazy world of the characters.

The last few chapters got me teary eyed…

A worth read. Even some of my friends got curious with my tweets while reading the book. They enjoyed it as well.

…and yes I love how Kevin Kwan uses the singlish terms or expressions w/c I’m quite familiar with since I have friends from SG.

Go read lah!

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Can’t wait for the movie!