Watching cartoons and learning family values?

Do you sit with your kids and watch cartoon together and once in awhile be a couch potato with them?Well I do! We are once a little kid right?  Again parental control is still needed. There are still few shows on cartoon network or in Disney channel asia these days that still has a good sense of family value and cultural value and at the same time entertaining. Say for example; Phineas & Ferbs, Upin & Ipin. My kids love to watche them.. and So do I… ^_^
 Phineas & Ferbs are actually half brothers. they are a product of a blended family and on the series they seems to really go along and never been a problem with the boys and their sister.. And one  thing i like about this show is their love for MOM. Here’s one episode of Phineas, Ferbs and candace singing I Love You Mom. 
Upin & Ipin a malaysian series about a twin brothers (Grandma, sister, friends)  that has a wide range of teaching of the values of hard work, honesty, generosity and respect..  It teaches the kids the universal moral values among asian. Aside from the cuteness of the twins us adults can learn something from this series as well.
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 Watching both of these cartoons able (You) and Your kids to pick a positive message and incorporate them in real life. I am not speaking in general though.. But yes… It’s entertaining. Pretty tolerable cartoon to watch with your kiddos. We parents has different preferences and rule though.. This is just me Being a mom to a 6 and 5 yr old boys. ^^ 
again, monitoring our kids watching cartoons is a must. ^^


A feel good article I found over the net! This is my current state… So ima share this to all and just hit that share button if you feel the same way too! 🙂

1. Enjoying the present moment is a habit that takes practice. If you always look toward tomorrow for happiness, odds are you will do the same when you attain what you’ve been dreaming of. As strange it sounds, the ability to appreciate what’s in front of you has nothing to do with what you actually have. It’s more about how you measure the good things in your life at any given time.

Practice wanting what you have and it will feel even sweeter when you eventually have what you want. Look around—what’s in front of you that can enjoy?

2. Finding reasons to be happy now can benefit your future. Dr. Dacher Keltner of the University of California claims she can predict a person’s future by judging the strength of their smile. Researchers examined yearbook photos of 111 female students taken between 1958 and 1960. Subsequent tests revealed that the women who expressed more positive emotion in those photos became more mentally focused, had more successful marriages, and enjoyed a greater sense of well-being.

From the article:

“While positive emotion tends to broaden thought, negative emotion tends to narrow it and hold back development….The findings of Dr Keltner and his colleagues, published in theJournal of Personality and Social Psychology, are among the first to show that differences in the extent to which people express emotion may be stable throughout their lives and dictate personal and social success.”

3. Tuning into joy can improve your health, something that affords you many possibilities in life. Something that most people take for granted until it’s compromised.

Christopher Peterson, Ph.D of the University of Michigan—who has studied optimism’s link to health for over 20 years—shows optimistic people have a stronger immune system than their negative counterparts. This may be due to their tendency to take better care of themselves. Choose to be happy now and you’ll have more days of good health to enjoy.

4. Consistent, long-term happiness depends on your ability to notice and appreciate the details; you can hone that skill right now. Once you get everything you want, you will still be subject to life’s highs and lows. If you haven’t learned to enjoy the little things, your well-being will parallel your life’s circumstances. Every time something goes wrong, you’ll feel deeply unhappy (as opposed to disappointed but determined to make the best of things).

Think about the things that fill you with the most joy—spending time with your pets, listening to the rain, and running on the beach, for example. Focus on those things right now, and let them brighten your day. That way, no matter what changes, you’ll have a variety of simple pleasures to help you through.

5. Every day is a new opportunity to be better than yesterday; that pursuit can increase your self esteem and, accordingly, your happiness. I used to be obsessed with being perfect. If I wasn’t the best at something, I couldn’t sleep at night. Becoming great never felt as good as I imagined it would because there was always room to be better. I was constantly dissatisfied and disappointed in myself.

I now look at the things I do as opportunities to get better from one day to the next. It’s more satisfying to set and meet an attainable goal, like focusing better and writing an extra article tomorrow, than it is to obsess about perfection, stressing because I’m not a world-famous author.

By focusing on small improvements and mini-goals, you’ll naturally move yourself toward your larger dreams. And you’ll respect the way you’re doing things.

6. You can be who you want to be right now, no matter what your situation looks like. You may think life needs to change dramatically for you to be the person you want to be. That you can’t be giving unless you make more money. Or you can’t be adventurous until you sell your house. The truth is you can be those things at any point in time.

So you don’t have money to share. Be generous with your compassion, and listen when your friends have problems. So your house hasn’t sold, pinning you in one place. Create adventure in your day by trying new things and introducing yourself to new people.

You never know when your nows will run out—so ask yourself, “How can I be that person I want to be in this moment?”

7. Finding joy in the present moment—no matter how inadequate it may seem—makes a difference in other people’s lives. Though we all have different lists of dreams and goals, for most of us this is at the forefront : the possibility of living a meaningful life that affects other people for the better.

Happiness is a moment-to-moment choice, one that many have a hard time making. Other people will notice if you make that choice. And you will motivate them to do the same. As the research above indicates, this motivation has a substantial impact on their health and future happiness.

I know this isn’t your usual reasons-to-be-happy post. It didn’t start or end with “count your blessings” and I didn’t delve into your relationships or good fortune. There’s a very good reason for that.

I don’t think happiness is so much about what you have. What you have changes; your “blessings” evolve. Happiness is about how you interpret what’s in front of you. How proud you are of the way you live your life. How willing you are to enjoy simple pleasures, even if things aren’t perfect.

Though I have’t always done this well, today I choose to focus on the good—both in the world and myself—to feel happy right now. How will you tune into happiness today?

Read more here

Sometimes | Toxic thoughts Decoded

Sometimes you just have to get back to the basics and be happy about the little things

Sometimes You Need to Keep Your Opinions To Yourself

 Sometimes You Just Have to Help Yourself! and Sometimes us SOLO MOM need to take a self time-out.

Sometimes and sometimes and more sometimes…We all just have that SOMETIMES in our everyday life. You (we) feel a little “argh le sigh”  once in awhile, We all have them whether your a solo mom or not.  The kind moment when even the things we usually enjoy seem to just be wearisome and tiring.

What to do?

Sometimes we just need to call a friend ( I just did..had a brunch with a friend awhile back) Go to a bookstore. Read some help self book. forget the guilt free in you. Maybe you may want to read a Devotional book or it would be better to just simply go out for a walk. (that i will do later) 

I recommend a book that i searched on line and might just buy a hard copy of this instead of downloading the e-book.

 -How to heal a toxic thoughts- by ‘Sandra Ingerman’


We may not realize it consciously, but negative feelings can be as toxic as physical poisons, wearing on us and causing depression, illness, and burnout. But how can we keep ourselves safe in a world too often ruled by resentment, jealousy, rage, and stress? How to Heal Toxic Thoughts provides the cure, and it lies in the ancient principle of alchemy. 
Many people think that the old alchemists were trying to turn lead into gold. But in actuality, as Sandra Ingerman–a practicing shaman and psychologist–reveals, they were metaphorically working on transforming heavy leaded consciousness into gold light consciousness. Using their theories, Ingerman offers strategies for processing the harmful thoughts and emotions that hit us throughout our day. Instead of sending and receiving lethal energy, you will learn, through meditations, visualizations, and other exercises, how to radiate positive thoughts and shield yourself from those that are destructive. Her methods of simple…but they can change you, others, and the world.

The Rubik’s cube of my Life…

Lately or just a few weeks ago i found myself drowned-addicted to watching Dream High 2  ( a Korean Drama)  I find myself  having a desire in solving that little damn rubiks cube! One of the character in the drama describes that when she feels like crying, she hold on to the cube and solve it….

I know there are tutorials on Youtube teaching technique on how to solve the puzzle. It’s crazy hard but honestly I find something enjoyable on solving that rubiks cube puzzle…I found peace every time i hold on to that cube! Yes believe me or not, it gave me A PEACE OF MIND.

Sure thing we all now that Life is never easy.We have to got to understand that there are no short cut in quest of Life’s perfection. No saving technique either. Like of the rubiks cube you have to turn them down, Shift the correct colors, Twist the layer again until you line up 2 adjacent colored corners and just to find out the other color is facing the wrong way. You keep on  twisting and turning becoming more confused??

It took more effort for me to live my life this way at first. Remember that we need to step back and stop When You’re Confused. I  suffered much like of Hell but i really came to understand that i could still turn my life to making a difference. A difference living a life of being a Solo Mom.The difference is more than worth it Like the colors in the rubik’s cube, even not aligned it still look as colorful as it is.